Image MOT
What’s an Image MOT and why might I need one?
My Image MOT is the one to one power session that I developed when I realised that so many business owners and entrepreneurs need some support and guidance with the photographs and images they use to promote their brand. The MOT stands for Moments of Truth as I use my expertise to help my clients understand which images are working effectively for them, attracting new customers. And which might be causing people to look elsewhere.


Studying for my Honours Degree in Commercial Photography, I learned the science of semiotics, and how marketing and advertising photography works so effectively. In my business I honed my craft (and picked up a few photography awards along the way) working with an array of people doing branding shoots, creating powerful photographs that have helped my clients really showcase themselves and their business, often with dramatic results of new engagement. I have taught camera skills to budding pro photographers, college and degree students and people who just want to be able to take better photos of their family and pets. I’ve talked at events about the power of subconscious attraction, and why it is so important to take the images you use seriously (after all your competitors will be!).
And then in 2020 I realised that in our image saturated world, people in business need an ally. Someone with my knowledge and expertise, who can help them understand which of their images are promoting their products and services and where the gaps are.
That is when my Image MOT (Moments of Truth) was born.
When you book an Image MOT with me you have my undivided attention and expert eye cast over your website and social media. We look at the photographs and images that you have and talk about which ones are working well for you, and which ones less so. And I help you find the gaps, the areas that are missing that you might want to add to your visual assets.
This isn’t in a bid to sell you a branding shoot (although obviously if you would like to find out more about those drop me a message and I will send you my brochure). No, this is to help you make wiser, more informed choices about the images you are choosing. To help you have a better understanding of what messages your audience might be taking from your images, and to have a clearer idea of how to strengthen your visual brand identity.
My Image MOT is for people who really aren’t sure if they are using the right images, or what even they should be looking to use instead. And it’s for people who are fairly confident that their visual message is strong, but understand the importance of detail and ensuring their message is en pointe.
Get in touch to find out more or book an Image MOT.